Dienstag, 25. März 2014

no boys, please

This is ´girls´ room only´. Actually I found this site by looking for something different, but i found it fancy to share it with You.

http://www.girlstravelclub.co.uk/ is a service, which is active in UK, and made for girls planning vacation.
Girls may find here a lot of nice articles at the shop, especially those, who are planning to enjoy their vacation a lot.
Mostly presented are accessories in a ´girls design´.
On the blog girls are receiving some advices, how to spend the vacation in a right way, in this point the authors also take things very feminine, treating those subjects like health, eating in restaurants, making sports on the trip etc. 
The page shows only, how huge is the role of the gender nowadays. Girls want still just to ´be a girl´ , take things like a girl, act like a girl, plan like a girl.
The more interesting, the earlier they start it.

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