Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2014

The sense of online relationships

Falling in love through letters was happening for centuries. To communicate by writing used to be a manner of  well educated and good situated class. The deep thoughts between lovers were often written on a piece of paper, before making a proposal. First thing the future couples normally did, was watching each other and comparing this picture with the social status. Face to face communication wasn´t the main impulse to fall in love at all.
Through 1900 writing letters became more popular among the townspeople, starting to live international. Good educated, bold personalities started to have better communication with any other. Discussing about art and culture and what they do in the current time, the step to fall in love was not that far.
Great writers, like Balzac, Kafka, or Hlasko found their real love by writing letters. 

Reading a letter was often the topic of the pictures of Vermeer van Delft

 Writing is a very powerful form of communication. Exchanging thoughts, experience, sharing funny things can make the relation really deep and build real, strong friendship. Formerly reserved for the elite, finally starting to be mainstream. Thanks to internet.

However, many couples, who met online, claim online-relationship will never be what it used to be. Although the technology makes it so easy thees days.
Internet offers a lot of entertainment to online-couples. You can go out online together, play games, thanks to skype even sex is possible. But , actually, doesn´t it make us more consumers than lovers?
Having an online-love-story is something, everyone of us was thinking about at least once. In the age, where every one is connected, spending most time on the work or making his own PR. This, what used to mean something really special, becomes just another element of the lifestyle.

Second Life, originally invented for the people, who wanted to make their business online, is also the place, where some of them fell in love. Interesting, those relationships weren´t that strong and didn´t last for a long time.

Creating avatars, and putting them into real-life situations showed the factor of behavior in the online life. We started not only see thoughts of another person, her/his mood, but also the way he/she acts. That all made it even more real and easy to feel.

Pressured by the society, we treat getting married as a goal in life. The dream of many is to find ´the right´ one, create a perfect couple, and internet is the easiest way to make this dreams come through. 

Finding ´the one´ on 3D chat:

The culture of online-love created its´own community as well. Online dating has become thing, you proper prepare for. To start a relationship online is treated as a conscious choice of  an individual. We want to do it and to do it in the right way. Reading about all the bad experiences of others, we want to avoid all mistakes and make it just perfect. This perfection exactly makes us never finding, what we are actually looking for.

Montag, 19. Mai 2014

How crazy are women about heels?

Women aren´t the first, who created the history of the high heels, however, they are the ones, who still wear them, which becomes a painful addiction to many of them. Starting from the beginning, Louis XI wore heels. After him, all the aristocrat men of 1600 started to do it to accentuate their status, as a privilege of the class, which didn´t have to work. 

Later on, as high situated men also had to work, they changed heel into more practical and functional shoes. But the aristocrat women kept their heels as a legacy of their past power.
What brought the heels to the working class for the first time, was the pornography. The painters of 1900 started to paint nude pictures with the women wearing heels. 
Heels evolved with the history from classical black pump into the heels we know nowadays from haut couture. 

Inseparable element to heels is the cat walk. It´s function is to expose the heels as a wearable element of the dress. We get the stimulus of movement, which is also a very important thing in the modern culture.

The power of the heel is a feminine power. Active woman isn´t any kind of a ´worker´ in a traditional sense. The elements of power do not accord to physical strength. 
The modern woman uses her image to expose her power. She wants to look perfect, everywhere she is, in any time and situation. 

And for this image, some of the women are ready to do everything. `Stiletto lift´ is a botox injection which makes the foot feeling more comfortable in heels. Becoming always more popular last time, ´The Times´ says. ´Stiletto lift´ is a surgery, which makes the body of the woman more suitable in her clothes, to make her visual perfect,  

particularly according to her career.

Photos: Heels by Alexander McQueen, Chanel

Samstag, 17. Mai 2014

Whoever wants to know more about movie and marketing

According to the last post, i would like to show You some part of review about film industry and marketing:

Concerns with US domination of European cinema screens and the apparent lack of success of policy makers to support sustainable development of the film industry has meant that these issues have remained topical for policy makers and researchers. This is also evidenced by both media attention and an increased research focus on the film industry, particularly from a marketing perspective.1–7 To date, neither policy nor empirical research has had a significant impact on the development and understanding of the industry. This paper seeks to bridge the perceived gap between policy and the practice of film marketing in Europe.
The interface between film marketing policy and practice in Europe offers an interesting venue to explore. While the macro-environment is invariably emphasised in terms of its impact on marketing, many marketing academics and practitioners neglect the role that policy plays in shaping the practice of marketing.
This paper undertakes an historical analysis of protectionism in the US film industry from its inception and highlights the likely impact of similar protectionism in the European context. It also explains how Hollywood studios control domestic and international markets. The historical overview shows the importance of vertical integration in producing a successful marketing campaign. An exploration of the debate focusing on the call for liberalisation of the global audiovisual market is also undertaken from an industrial and cultural perspective to assess the possible impact that this will have upon film marketing in Europe, in addition to the implications for European cultural identity. Copyright © 2004 Henry Stewart Publications
Source: non profit  website

Making movies about writers

Writers´ job is one, I guess, of the most popular movies´ topics. What actually makes this topic that interesting? 
The profession of the writer is a really hard work. You have to take many jobs You don´t really like to do (for many writers it means also a physical work), just to earn your money. 
I remember reading ´The shadow of the wind´. Yeah, that´s a kind of heavy stuff about life of a writer. Writers applying for jobs like cleaners, housemaids or nannies, not able to publish.
And although this kind of life is so hard and so absurd, it seems to be one of the favorite themes of the movie industry.
The screen writers are also very creative here. They put the character into a strange situation and confront him with it. While watching, we observe his acting and explore the dark, crazy, neurotic character. The more mental ill it is, the more we like it. It shows us the statement, which is forbidden to us because of social or ethic rules, things we would never think of or either try to do. 

In ´Deconstructing Harry´ by Woody Allen, he had slept with his wives´ patient and tries to explain her, it was his full emotional right to do it because of her practice.

We need him (the writer), to represent all of our sickness.

In ´Shining´by Stanley Kubrick Jack Nicholson goes mad in a lonely hotel during winter, writing his novel, and causes a bloody massacre.   

 The same we need blogger to write emotional about the topics we read in the daily newspaper.
 Or the journalist to be objective. We need their minds.
We need them and expect them to be mad.

We also want them to be unhappy. Not enough satisfied with their life, career, relationship. Sinking their problems in alcohol, without being understood by their environment. 

 In ´Manhattan´ Woody Allen is a neurotic writer, who skips between different relationships, of which not a one makes him happy.

No matter, how popular those movies are. it doesn´t make the situation of writers better in any sense. The work is rare, the income unstable and life far from comfortable.

Interesting fact: on Guardians´ job search the work offers for writers are 6, for marketers instead 87.

Making movies about writers is spectacular and has many marketing advantages, but the last who make money wit it, are writers.

Dienstag, 13. Mai 2014

Tiny artists (peter dinklage)

Tyrion Lanister is the most interesting figure in ´Games of thrones´ last time. Played by Peter Dinklage, who is told to get the next Grammy:

As show business proves, having a handy-cup might be also an advantage thees days.
Looking for the dwarf artists, I was pretty surprised, how many of them I found:
Gary Coleman, actor, unfortunately died 2010:

 Henri de Touluse Lautreck. His problem was hidden behind his both legs broken in his childhood and week bones. Here wearing the suit of the clown:

Oscar, the main figure of Günter Grass´ ´Blechtrommel´ decided in his childhood not to grow ever more
and became an artist at the circus, where he also met his true love, who also wasn´t big:

Those guys are the smallest Toreros team on Earth:

Those are Indian dwarf artists, Ashok and Vinay:

Oz star, Karl Slover, unfortunately died 2011:

There´s no business like show-business.

Montag, 12. Mai 2014

Propeller island and travesty

I really like artists who are also freaks. Like this Propeller Island, the Berlin artist and musician.

Showing the backstage of travesty:

That´s how it looks like, before the show:

The artists concentrates:

Pretty much make-up:

And shoes of course:

Acting with each other:

Little help at dressing up:

Final view:

Propeller Island once put his 3 million Euro together, bought a ruin in Berlin and made it to a hotel.
If You want to make a reservation in this ´vision machine´, you have an opportunity to apply for three rooms of your choice.
Prizes about 100 € per person.
Here some of the rooms:

The page is here.

Samstag, 10. Mai 2014

Charlie Engman and his personal portfolio

Charlie Engman is a fashion photographer. And he is really photographing fashion normally, but this shooting is something really special in his portfolio. Below the series ´Domestic Diorama´ form the year 2013. I just can´t stop watching:

Very pure compositions, less elements, but much movement.

Naked body inside of a room.

Puristic rooms

With much of black humor

All portfolio: here.

Mittwoch, 7. Mai 2014

Joe Webbs´ erotic collages

Joe Webb is a British photo collage artist, living in UK.
All he uses for his works are the old newspapers - no Photoshop, no digital.
It´s all pretty fancy, as we see his erotic images, so far from ours is the reality of the 50´s.
In the erotic scenes of Webb, there are two actors - man and woman, and the action plays between them. The man is always the one, who is covered in the picture - this makes him stable in a way, but also unimportant so far.
The one, which we focus on, is the woman. She´s there, reacting on mans´ acting, always by his side, beautiful and emotional, an object, the quintessence of the moment.

Romantic and reflective: 




Good wife:






Well, the subject of Webbs´ work may be sexist for a one, but You can´t just pass them by.

All works and the homepage are here.