Donnerstag, 24. April 2014

The modern nude

I wonder why, if I search for ´naked´on Google, the porn is what I get.
What´s the difference between porn and naked?
Someone said last time the fashion has nothing to do with sex. Neither has erotic. Being naked has been accepted in visuals as a sign of natural origin of the human and his freedom, so we may admire it and enjoy its´beauty.

The most impressive naked images by Katerina Plotnikowa:

Naked and harmless:

When I see this image I guess I´m steel dreaming:

In common with Mother Earth:

Frederic Dargelas confronts naked with some industrial views:

Naked, alone and peaceful:

Naked and ashame:

Erotic and nude has so many different meanings and expressions of thoughts and feelings.
I guess we may be happy living thees days. 

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